Jellyfish Recycled Cotton Market Bag


Printed in Australia with low impact, water-based screen-printing ink on a recycled fabric tote bag.
Colour - Dark Denim with Ochre Jellyfish, Light Denim with Black Jellyfish, Natural White with Black Jellyfish

Did you know that the collective noun for jellyfish is a smack?

Jellyfish are the ultimate survivors and many species are thriving globally because of climate related mechanisms at work, providing perfect conditions for them to go forth and multiply on mass. Scientists have been getting their tentacles in a twist with recent studies finding the humble jellyfish may provide solutions towards plastic pollution in the sea. I wish upon a jellyfish that this becomes reality, fast!

“. Multidisciplinary home-grown fibre artist Aly de Groot celebrates the unique fauna and flora of the Top End, with an emphasis on the importance of preservation. Long fascinated by the beautiful but dangerous box jellyfish, Aly combines this obsession with her other passions for marine conservation and basketry to create ethereal jellyfish art-forms from discarded fishing line and recycled fabrics – entire fleets of them, both large and small, matching their proliferation in the seas Wish Upon A Jellyfish invites you to take a moment with one of these luminous creations to weave a wish for a brighter future”

Darwin Festival program 2022

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